Fourth Meeting of the Road Safety Governmental Committee was held on 29 November at the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with the main issue being the
approval of the National Road Safety Strategic Plan for the period 2021 - 2030. Other key priorities of the Road Safety Governmental Committee include the updating and prioritisation of road safety actions, the Draft Law on the Penal Framework of the Road Traffic Code, the Road Safety Observatory and the Public Policy Guide for Cycling.
Participants in the committee were: the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
Michalis Papadopoulos, the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Eleftherios Oikonomou, the Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs
Zeta Makri, the Alternate Minister of Health
Mina Gaga, the Alternate Minister of Interior
Stelios Petsas, and the General Secretary of Infrstructure
Maria Elli Gerardi.