The reduction of road crashes in Greece is a key priority for the Prime Minister Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Kostas Karamanlis.
To that end, the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport develops the National Road Safety Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2030, with the scientific support of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.
Within the framework of the implementation of the Plan, a competent Governmental Committee for Road Safety was established, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Michalis Papadopoulos. The Deputy Ministers of Citizen Protection, Health, Interior, Education and Religious, and Digital Governance also participate in the Road Safety Governmental Committee.
The National Road Safety Strategic Plan is in alignment with both the European Road Safety Strategy and the United Nations Road Safety Action Plan for the 2nd decade, aiming to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries in road crashes by 50% by 2030.
Greece, despite the impressive reduction (54%) recorded in road fatalities in the last decade (2010-2020), remains below the European average in the European Union and it is necessary to institutionalize and implement the new National Strategic Plan, in order to address the major social and national issue of road crashes effectively.
The National Strategic Plan will lead to the definition, implementation and monitoring of the necessary actions to drastically reduce the number of road crashes and related casualties. The development of the new National Strategic Road Safety Plan is based on all the new international trends, the detailed analysis of the capabilities of the Greek reality as well as the systematic open consultation.
The initial structure of the new National Strategic Road Safety Plan concerns four main directions: - Ambitious Vision - Effective Implementation - Innovative Technologies - Shared Responsibility

The National Strategic Plan includes and is the means of achieving a new ambitious vision. The ambitious vision concerns zero fatalities in road crashes in the long term, which will be achieved through individual realistic goals and with an emphasis on safe mobility for all (Public Transport promotion, low speeds, etc.).
In order to achieve this ambitious vision, special importance is given to the effective implementation of the Strategic Plan, through targeted funding worthy of the Plan, effective management of all efforts and systematic monitoring, review and improvement of all actions.
The utilization of innovative technologies is expected to play a decisive role, which will concern the digital management of the road traffic system as a whole, the dynamic interconnectivity of bodies and means of transport, and the automation of traffic for the creation of a harmonized safe road system.
For this holistic and integrated approach, the promotion of the shared responsibility of all stakeholders and citizens will play a crucial role, through the Safe System Approach, i.e. the strengthening of the accountability and responsibility of the Authorities, going beyond the conventional approaches to responsibilities of system parts. Finally, improving the habits of all road users will play a decisive role, both in terms of road behavior (low speeds, defensive driving behavior, attention to vulnerable road users) and in terms of traffic habits (change in the choice of transport mode and parking options, promoting Public Transport).
This website will be continuously enriched with data and reports related to the National Strategic Road Safety Plan, as well as the results of the continuous and open consultation, both during and after the preparation of the Plan.