• To exploit physiological measures obtained from naturalistic driving (i.e. tactile engagement of steering wheel, electrocardiogram (ECG), photoplethysmography (PPG), blood pressure, other physical activity KPIs) to create accurate and reliable real-time road safety models.
• To investigate scenarios, involving (i) individual driving scenarios (e.g. circumventing a fixed obstacle, distraction, reverse manoeuvring) and (ii) driver interaction scenarios (e.g. overtaking, lane-changing, right-of-way negotiating).
• To explore the ethical dimensions of driver physiological measurements in road safety assessments, the type of biases that may arise, and how these can be eliminating for more objective and fair traffic safety assessments.
• To investigate scenarios, involving (i) individual driving scenarios (e.g. circumventing a fixed obstacle, distraction, reverse manoeuvring) and (ii) driver interaction scenarios (e.g. overtaking, lane-changing, right-of-way negotiating).
• To explore the ethical dimensions of driver physiological measurements in road safety assessments, the type of biases that may arise, and how these can be eliminating for more objective and fair traffic safety assessments.
• Creation of innovative algorithms for physiological-based real-time prediction of surrogate safety measures with ethical considerations.
• Production of empirical knowledge stemming from naturalistic experiments on how the aforementioned physiological KPIs vary per examined scenario.
• Creation of assessment frameworks exploring how the ethical aspect of biometrics can be addressed in a road safety algorithmic context.
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