Georges Yannis

George Yannis est Professeur et Directeur du Département de Planification et Ingénierie des Transports à l’Université Nationale Technique d’Athènes (UNTA). Il dirige l‘Observatoire de la sécurité routière de la UNTA, un centre d’excellence en matière de recherche et d’innovation reconnu mondialement pour sa contribution précieuse à une mobilité plus sûre pour tous, en Grèce, en Europe et dans le monde.

Il possède une connaissance approfondie et étendue du secteur des transports, grâce à sa participation active depuis plus de 30 ans en tant qu’ingénieur, universitaire, conseiller et décideur dans tous les domaines de la planification et de l’ingénierie des transports au niveau national et international, en mettant l’accent sur la science des données. Il a largement contribué à plus de 315 projets et études de recherche et d’ingénierie et à plusieurs comités scientifiques de la Commission européenne et d’autres organisations internationales (CEE-ONU, OCDE, OMS, Banque mondiale, BEI, CEDR, FER, IRF, AIPCR, UITP, ETSC, ECTRI, WCTR, TRB). Il a publié 870 articles scientifiques (246 dans des revues scientifiques) largement cités dans le monde entier.

Il court actuellement 30 Μarathons en 30 mois afin de promouvoir activement l’adoption d’une limitation de vitesse à 30 km/h dans le plus grand nombre de villes possible dans le monde, en tant que politique clé pour des villes plus sûres, plus saines et plus vertes.

modern city at night with financial background


Sécurité routière: Αnalyse des accidents, bases de données, infrastructures routières, comportement du conducteur, distraction des conducteurs, piétons, mise en vigueur des règles, jeunes conducteurs, conducteurs âgés, motocyclistes, alcool, systèmes intelligents, conditions météorologiques, mesures de sécurité routière, stratégie de sécurité routière, comparaisons internationales

Planification et gestion des systèmes de transport: Μobilité urbaine, infrastructures routières, gestion du trafic, stationnement, systèmes intelligents, systèmes de métro, grands événements, transport multimodal, réseaux de transport, terminaux de transport, logistique

Urban Mobility Intelligent Transportation Systems and Automation with particular focus on Data Management and Analysis


Teaching at NTUA School of Civil Engineering: Traffic Engineering, Road Safety, Traffic Management, Public Transport, Transportation and the Environment.

Supervision of 166 Diploma Theses, 23 PhDs and 10 PostDoctoral Researches. Participation at the advisory (53) and the examination (48) committee of PhDs.

Member of 139 Faculty Member Selection Committees at NTUA, in Greece and worldwide and of 40 Academic Committees.

Visiting Professor at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris, at the University of Loughborough and at University of Hasselt, Belgium.


Participation in 170 research projects in the field of transport planning and engineering, 140 of which were or are carried out in the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the NTUA. 73 of these projects were assigned by the European Commission, 16 projects were assigned by other International Organisations (UN-ECE, WHO, EIB, World Bank, ITF, CEDR) and 81 projects were assigned by Greek Authorities. Scientific Coordinator in 84 research projects (44 from International Organisations) and Principal Researcher in another 36 research projects.



A total of 842 scientific publications in the field of transport planning and engineering: 244 papers in scientific journals with referees, 28 papers in scientific journals of conference proceedings, 547 papers in conference proceedings (481 with paper review, 482 in international conferences and 23 after invitation) and 23 monographs and chapters in books, as well as 6 teaching material, in 550 of which more than 10.000 citations are made (i10-index: googlescholar: 185, h-index: googlescholar: 50, scopus: 37).


Member of 159 scientific organisations and committees worldwide (106) and in Greece (53). Evaluator of projects for the European Commission, the United Nations Road Safety Fund, the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and several Research Authorities in 26 countries (75 Organisations and Programmes). Associate Editor (3), Guest-Editor (10) and Member of the Editorial Board (10) of scientific journals, Reviewer of papers to be published in scientific journals (219) and conferences (141), Member of the scientific committee (80) and of the organising committee (21) of conferences. Chairman of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (2000 – 2003). Received 19 international scientific Awards, including the EU TRAVisions Senior Researcher Award, the “Knight of the Order of Academic Palms” by the French Government and the Belgian Universities Francqui Chair Award.


Participation in 614 scientific conferences and seminars, 440 international and 174 national, in Athens (232), in other Greek cities (43), abroad (228) and virtual (111). Session chair in 74 of these conferences and delivery of speech in another 26 conferences. Presentation at these conferences of 572 scientific papers published in the Proceedings and another 639 scientific presentations. 282 papers or presentations were after invitation.


Participation in 143 projects and studies in the field of transport planning and engineering for the European Commission and other International Organisations (38) and Public Authorities and other organisations in Greece (90) and worldwide (15). Advisor on road safety at the General Directorate for Transport of the European Commission (1991 – 2002) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Attiko Metro SA, the Public Authority in charge for the development of metro systems in Athens and Thessaloniki (2004 – 2010).



Member of the Alumni Association of the National Technical University of Athens and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.

Member of the International and National Alumni Association of the International Olympic Academy

Participated and completed 57 marathon races, 17 triathlon races and more than 150 long distance running races.