The main objective of the project is the collection and calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety in Greece and the the harmonisation of this procedure and KPIs reporting with those in the remaining EU Member States. KPIs concern speeding, use of seat belts and protective equipment, driving under influence, distraction, vehicle safety and post-crash care. The main activities of the project are the following:

– The active partcipation in the activities, meetings and workshops of the Baseline project concerning the harmonisation of the methodology for the data collection, KPIs calculation and reporting of results with the other EU Member States

– The development of the methodological approach for the data collection and the calculation of the KPIs, including all procedures related to fieldwork (e.g. sampling framework, training of personnel, coordination with the traffic police and local authorities, etc.), as well as the development and operation of the database for the data collection and process

– The data collection through roadside surveys and the collection of existing data from national data files, as well as the quality control of the result

– The calculation of the KPIs through the proper data process and the development of metadata

– The delivery of KPIs and the respective metadata