The present research takes into account the Fair Development Transition Plan and concerns a grid of complementary actions that aim to upgrade Akrini to a model smart settlement based on the principles of sustainable design. Five (5) distinct thematic Actions are included, each of which addresses a set of similar sub-objectives within the above framework. It is understood that the implementation of these Actions should be preceded by an inventory of the current situation. In addition, three “Horizontal” Actions are foreseen which are of capital importance for the successful completion of the project and concern 1. the Coordination and Synthesis of the Project Actions, 2. the creation of a mechanism for an Integrated Observatory of the development of the region in all areas of interest in connection with a GIS Spatial Database, and 3. Information, Communication and Consultation with the inhabitants, the competent bodies and the Financier throughout the implementation of the project in order to ensure that the results of the latter respond effectively to the objectives, are properly structured and prioritized and, of course, are feasible in terms of the available resources. It should be noted that the whole project design is about applying innovative design which obviously requires a research approach. The solutions proposed will be the product of original scientific research, and their implementation will be innovative, making the settlement of Akrini one of the first in the world to implement – on such a scale and variety – interventions of recently developed tools and solutions.