The objective of this diploma thesis is the investigation of Messinia drivers attitudes towards road safety, based on their choices on road network safety upgrade of Kalamata – Pilos axis. The necessary data were collected through
a survey to a sufficient sample of drivers of Messinia. The stated preference method was used for various scenarios of time travel and cost. A logistic regression mathematical model was developed describing drivers’ behaviour based on their characteristics and those of the road networks. From the analysis it was derived that the probability for a driver using a safety upgraded road network over the existing one, depends on travel time and upgrade cost, as well as on gender, age, occupation, education and income of the driver.
a survey to a sufficient sample of drivers of Messinia. The stated preference method was used for various scenarios of time travel and cost. A logistic regression mathematical model was developed describing drivers’ behaviour based on their characteristics and those of the road networks. From the analysis it was derived that the probability for a driver using a safety upgraded road network over the existing one, depends on travel time and upgrade cost, as well as on gender, age, occupation, education and income of the driver.
ID | ad95 |
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Tags | road infrastructure, statistical modelling, survey |