The objective of the present paper is to investigate the current trend of bicycle acceptability as the main access transport mean through a case study among the university students population within Athens, a large city presenting very limited cycling culture. The Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens is positioned 15 minutes by foot from the closest metro station, which is the second most popular transport mean for students to access TEI, following the car access. The perspective of students’ access via cycle to the TEI from the nearest metro station overcomes several of the above barriers since the TEI is located at an area with mild street grades and during the summer period there is no need for access. A specially designed questionnaire was used to identify the students’ willingness to use bicycle as their main transport mean during their access at the TEI from the metro station. The results showed a remarkable enthusiasm, since over 65% of the student using the metro and over 30% of the student car users were expressed positively in such a perspective. Furthermore, the analysis of the questionnaire revealed the need for specific actions for the promotion of cycling to and from the TEI, including the design of a safe as well as functional cycle road path, taking under consideration several traffic calming measures. Therefore, a proposal for an efficient bicycle path was developed, which is fairly safe as well as rider friendly, since over 95% of the proposed route passes via low-volume streets and a nearby park and is currently under examination by the local municipality. Furthermore, in terms of familiarizing other road users with cycling, a set of additional cycling promotion measures is under preparation, including traffic calming measures, shared space areas and 30 km/h zones, publicity and enforcement campaigns.
ID | pc214 |
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Tags | culture, cyclists, field surveys, statistical modelling |