The use of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) has been growing rapidly during the last decade, as these systems have transitioned from the development phase to production. Further deployment of these systems is expected to improve the road safety level, increase the capacity of road infrastructure and limit the environmental impacts of traffic, while the maturity of new technologies makes the use of ADAS more accessible to a wider population. The objective of this research is to investigate the attitude of Greek drivers towards new technologies in road safety and particularly towards ADAS. The data that was used for the statistical analysis was collected through the Pan-European survey SARTRE 3 and in this paper the analysis includes the responses from one thousand Greek drivers that are included in the sample. The analysis is based on the statistical processing with two applicable methods (discriminant analysis and factor analysis). The correlation of the responses that relate to new technologies with the responses that deal with the involvement of drivers in accidents showed that there is a high acceptance rate of all systems, except for those that involve electronic identification and policing of the vehicle. Furthermore, it was shown that drivers who were involved in accidents with injuries show a larger acceptance rate for ADAS.