Τhe study comprises three phases:
– The first phase is related to the conceptual work and involves all the activities required for the development of a methodology for common network-wide road safety assessment and a safety rating system for classification of the existing road network in categories according to their in-built safety. Within this phase, sample assessments on selected road sections will be performed with the aim to validate the proposed methodology.
– The second phase involves a large-scale pilot deployment of the methodology, on a number of road sections in all Member States that will serve as show cases in each Member State.
– Finally, the third phase includes outreach activities and reporting, such as presentations to the Expert Group EGRIS, consultation workshop with stakeholders, preparation of material for displaying the results of the deployment and for supporting external communication, writing of the final project report, development of recommendations for future actions, etc.
ID | rn109 |
Name | NetSafety |
Duration | 2020-2023 |
Funding | European Comission |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Partnership | FPZ, FRED |
Tags | road safety audit, transport networks |