The objective of this work is to present a comprehensive set of road safety basic statistics in Europe, as well as the methodology used for their development. These statistical outputs are based on data derived from CARE, the EU database with disaggregate data on road accidents, and from other international data files (OECD/IRTAD, Eurostat, etc.). More precisely, the various needs for road accident statistics as well as accident and exposure data availability were identified and analysed allowing for the design of the selected statistical outputs; namely: the Annual Statistical Report, the Basic Fact Sheets and the Aggregate Data Files. These statistical outputs are designed to satisfy the needs of the large majority of those dealing with road safety, but not necessarily of those seeking for in-depth accident data research and analysis. These statistical outputs constitute an attempt to optimise the exploitation of existing road accident data by covering as many of the available road safety parameters as possible. It is concluded that the appropriate exploitation of existing data can certainly cover a wide range of current needs for road safety analysis at European, national and local level.
ID | pc66 |
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Tags | accident analysis, information systems, international comparisons |