The scope of the project is to identify and quantify the socio-economic impact of ridesharing services in Athens, Greece with special reference to Uber services. Project objectives include an analysis of the potential of new jobs that can be created and the overall added value which can be generated for the employment landscape in Athens and in Greece in general. Based on the different scenarios for the development of ridesharing services in Athens a quantification of the new employment opportunities will be proposed. Furthermore, the mobility service improvement in Athens will be examined. Based on different scenarios for the development of ridesharing services in Athens and by using appropriate analysis tools, impacts on economic opportunity and mobility will be assessed, with emphasis to the shift from competing markets (private car etc) to ridesharing services. For the achievement of project objectives, a scientifically sound and robust stepwise methodology will be followed. The results of this stepwise methodology will lead to a properly substantiated overall synthesis of the impact of ridesharing services in Athens.
ID | rn82 |
Duration | 2017-2018 |
Funding | Uber B.V. |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Tags | culture, impact assessment |