A paper titled “Driving and Alzheimer’s Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment: A systematic review of the existing guidelines emphasizing on the neurologist’s role“, authored by Petros Stamatelos, Alexandra Economou, Leonidas Stefanis, George Yannis and Sokratis Papageorgiou is published in Neurological Sciences. The review of this paper included eighteen G/Rs, referred to drivers with dementia and 9/18 referred to drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). A common approach among G/Rs is the initial trichotomization of patients in safe to drive, unsafe to drive, and undetermined cases, which are referred to a second-line evaluator. Although extensive multi-disciplinary research has provided useful information for driving behavior of cognitively impaired individuals, we are still far from a widely accepted approach of driving ability evaluation in this increasing population. A comprehensive assessment from a multi-disciplinary team in which the neurologist plays a critical role seems to be required, although this has not yet been implemented in any G/Rs. doi