Road Safety Conferences

Road Safety Conferences concern past and future Conferences, Congresses, Seminars and Workshops in the field of road safety in Greece, in Europe and worldwide, in which we participate or we are aware of through our cooperation.



– 26th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Technical University of Munich, Germany, 20-24 July

– BCRRA 2026, DRI Investment Management/ZAG/FGG, Ljubljana, 22-24 June

– Transport Research Arena 2026, Budapest, 18-21 May


TRANSCODE, FPZ, Zagreb, 11-12 December

– Annual Polis Conference, POLIS, Utrecht, 26-27 November

– ICTR2025, HITE/CERTH, Thessaloniki, 16-18 October

– EU-Safety 2025 Conference, EuroSafe/HMU-LaHeRS, Heraklion, 1-2 October

– 53rd European Transport Conference, AET, Antwerp, 17-19 September

– LWC International Conference, University of Brescia/CeSCAΜ, Brescia, 11-12 September

– IRCOBI Europe Conference 2024, Vilnius, 10-12 September

– 9th IEEE International Conference on ITS Models and Technologies, MOBILAB/IEEE ,Luxembourg, 8-10 September

– RS5C, VTI, Leeds, 3-5 September

– EWGT 2025, Lund University,Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1-3 September

– 31th ITS World Congress, ITSAmerica, Atlanta, 24-28 August

International Symposium on Navigating the Future of Traffic Management, IRF, Athens, 29 June – 3 July

23rd European Transport Congress, EPTS, Paris, 26-27 June

 hEART 2025, Technical University of Munich, Munich, 10-12 June

7th International Conference on Roundabouts and Geometric Design, Atlanta, Munich, 8-12 June

57th CIECA Congress, CIECA/, 28-29 May

– 52th ASECAP Study & information days conference, ASECAP/, 26-28 May

– Transportation Research Symposium, Elsevier, Rotterdam, 25-28 May

– 16th ITS European Congress, ERTICO, Seville, 19-21 May

SaNuiT International Symposium,UGE /UCLB Lyon 1, Montreal, 8-9 May

– 20th International Conference RSLC, RTSA, Vrnjačka Banja, 23-26 April

11th International Conference VEHITS, Porto, 2-4 April

– 17th ASECAP Road Safety Conference, ASECAP/ACAP, 11 March

4th Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, Marrakech, 18-20 February

– Road Transport Research Results Conference, European Commission, Brussels, 11-13 February

– Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington, 5-9 January


ACM GreekCHI Symposium 2024, ChiGreece-GreekSIGCHI , Online, 7 December

– Annual Polis Conference, POLIS, Karlsruhe, 27-28 November

Thematic Group Meeting on Safety, ECTRI, Athens, 27 November

– 24h Road Safety Hackathon, CSDD, Online, 15-17 November

–  PIN Talk, ETSC, Rome, 15 November

– ICSC2024, IATSS, Imabari, 5-7 November

– Cycling, Micromobility and Road Safety Seminar, Enschede, 1 November

– POLIS Safety and Security Working Group Meeting, Polis, Online, 30 October

– 9th Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Kentucky, 28-31 October

– DDI2024, SAFER/UMTRI, Michigan, 22-24 October

– 36th ICTCT Conference, The Hague, 17-18 October

– IRF2024, Turkish Road Association, Istanbul, 15-18 October

– 24th International Walk21 ConferenceLisbon, 14-18 October

– Traffic Moderation Conference, ASIC, online, 9 October

– Africa Road Safety Seminar, GRSP, Kenya, 8-9 October

– ARSC2024, ACRS, Hobart, 30 September- 3 October

– National Safer Roads Partnerships Conference, Road Safety Support, Manchester, 25-26 September

– Hi Drive Summer School 2024, ICCS, Athens, 25-26 September

City Flows 2024, ETSC/Unipolis Foundation, Trento, 20 September

–  PIN Talk, ETSC, Ljubljana, 19 September

– European Traffic Education Seminar, ETSC, Fundación MAPFRE, 17 September

– 30th ITS World Congress, ERTICO, RTA, Dubai, 16-20 September

– IRCOBI Europe Conference 2024, Stockholm, 11-13 September

–  PIN Talk, ETSC, Riga, 11 September

 20th Scientific and Technical Conference, CEUTP, Katowice, 10-11 September

– EWGT 2024, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 4-6 September

– CSUM2024, UTH, Plastira’s lake, Karditsa, 4-6 September

– 8th ICTTP, Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, 19-22 August

 CTS 2024, IFAC, Ayia Napa, 1-3 July

4th Access Management International Conference , TRB, Boston, 24-26 June

ETSC Pin Conference 2024, Brussels, 19 June

hEART 2024, Aalto University, Espoo, 18-20 June

1st AfroSAFE conference, ICTCT, Dar es-Salaam, 13-14 June

– 9th ITS Hellas Conference, ITS Hellas, ICCS/NTUA, Athens, 5-6 June

51st ASECAP Study & information days conference, ASECAP/AISCAT, 13-15 May

10th International Conference, AMRKS/Temple Academy, Prishtina, 7 May

– 19th International Conference RSLC, RTSA, Zlatibor, 17-20 April

– EU Road Safety Conference, European Commission, Dublin, 16 April

– Transport Research Arena 2024, Dublin, 15-18 April

56th CIECA Congress, CIECA, 5-8 March

Thematic Group Meeting on Safety, ECTRI, 23 February

Mobility and Transport Conference, European Commission,  Brussels, 21 February

Vision Zero Road Accidents Conference,  Athens, 21 February

TRANSP-OR Course, EPFL, Lausanne, 11-15 February

Road Transport Research  Conference, European Commission, Brussels, 5-7 February

– Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington, 7-11 January


RobPos4VApp workshop, Athens, 18 December

– 6th International Traffic Safety Conference, Dammam, 4-6 December

– 9th GIFTS Symposium, IATSS, Tokyo, 1 December

– 2023 Annual Polis Conference, POLIS, Leuven, 29-30 November

– Telematics boosting mobility behaviour workshop, NTUA, Athens, 22 November

– ICSC2023, SWOV Road Safety Research, 15-17 November

– ITS2023, University of Patras, 2-3 November

– 35th ICTCT Conference, Catania, 26-27 October

– Excellence in Road Safety Awards, Brussels, 19 October

EU Road Safety Exchange II, Brussels, 18 October

– EU-Safety 2023 Conference, ICE-SAR/EuroSafe, Reykjavik, 5-6 October

– XXVIIth World Road Congress, PIARC, Prague, 2-6 October

– 8th International HUMANIST Conference, HUMANIST, Berlin, 21-22 September

ICTR2023, HITE/CERTH, Heraklion, 20-22 September

– International Alcohol Interlock Symposium, TIRF, 17-19 September

Management, Behaviour, VRUs, Vehicles Webinar, Piarc, 15 September – virtual

IRCOBI Europe Conference 2023, Cambridge, 13-15 September

– European Traffic Education Seminar, ETSC, Fundación MAPFRE, VSV, 12 September

– EWGT 2023, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, 6-8 September

– LWC International Conference, University of Brescia/CeSCAΜ, Brescia, 6-8 September

– hEART2023, Institute for Transport Planning and Systems, Zurich, 6-8 September

– Infrastructure, Tunnels, Speed, Data Webinar, Piarc, 5 September – virtual

– 16th World Conference on Transport Research, WCTRS, Montreal, 17-21 July

– Vision Zero Conference, Government Offices of Sweden, Stockholm, 26-27 June

ETSC Pin Conference 2023, Brussels, 20 June

– IPIC 2023, ICCS/ALICE, Athens, 13-15 June

– 34th ICTCT Conference, Winneba, Ghana, 8-9 June

– CITA International Conference, Rotterdam, 6-8 June

– 21st European Transport Congress, EPTS, Prague, 25-26 May

 ITF 2023 Summit, ITF, Leipzig, 24-26 May

55th CIECA Congress, CIECA, 23-26 May

Pin talk, ETSC, online, 23 May

 ITS European Congress, ERTICO, Lisbon, 22-24 May

– 7th UN Global Road Safety Week, UN Road Safety Collaboration, 15-21 May

– HADRIAN Symposium, Graz, Austria, 9-10 May

– EUCAD 2023, European Commission, Brussels, 3-4 May

i-DREAMS Final Event, Brussels, 26 April

– MEDIATOR Final Event, MEDIATOR, Hague, 13 April

– G7 Transport Academic Workshop, MOST/Politecnico of Milan, Milan, 10 April

– 27th ESV, NHTSA, Yokohama, 3-6 April

– PACTS spring Conference 2023, PACTS, 28 March – virtual

ITSC2023, TTSC/NTSC, Doha, 21-22 February

9th International Conference, AMRKS/Temple Academy, Prishtina, 25 January


– EU Road Safety Results Conference, European Commission, Brussels, 8 December

– 8th ITS Hellas Conference, ITS Hellas, EPISEY/NTUA, Athens, 7-8 December

– Polis Annual Conference, POLIS, Brussels, 30 November & 1 December

8th GIFTS Symposium, IATSS, Tokyo, 29 November

14WC-IPSP, PHAA/WHO, Adelaide, 27-30 November

– 2nd International Road Safety Congress,  TNPA/IRF, Istanbul, 17-20 November

– Tomorrow Mobility World Progress, EIT Urban Mobility, Barcelona, 15-17 November

– Transport Research Arena 2022, ANI/EC, Lisbon, 14-17 November

ICSC2022, Dresden Technical University, Dresden, 8-10 November

–  PIN Talk “Improving the road safety of young and novice drivers”, ETSC, Prague, 20 October

DDI2022, SAFER/UGE/UNSW, Gothenburg, 19-20 October

– 3rd Pan-European Workshop, SHOW, Madrid, 19 October

–  7th African Regional Conference, SARF, IRF, PIARC, Cape Town, 18-20 October 

– 7th Meeting of the Safer City Streets Network, ITF, Guadalajara, 18-19 October

– (GRRSO) Dialogue on Powered Two-Wheeler Safety, GRSP, Manila, 11-12 October

RS5C, VTI, Grapevine, 10-12 October

FERSI Conference 2022, FERSI, Hague, 6-7 October

International Conference on Road Safety Second Edition, ERF, L’ Aquila, 29-30 September

 European Research and Innovation Days, EC, 28-29 September – virtual

– 7th IRTAD International Conference, ITF, Lyon, 27-28 September

– Urban Mobility Days Conference, European Commission, Brno, 20-22 September

– 28th ITS World Congress, ITSAmerica/ERTICO/ITSAsia-Pasific, LA, 18-22 September

Alcohol Interlock Symposium, TIRF, Oslo, 18-20 September

HUMANIST Summer School 2022, Humanist, Vienna, 14-16 September

IRCOBI Conference 2022, Porto, 14-16 September

European Traffic Education Seminar, ETSC, Fundación MAPFRE, VSV, 13 September

– 50th European Transport Conference, AET, Madrid, 7-9 September

CSUM2022, UTH, Skiathos Island, 31 August-2 September

– 23rd ICADTS Conference, ICADTS, Rotterdam, 28-31 August

7th ICTTP, VTI & SAFER, Gothenburg, 23-25 August

– 30 Annual Conference on Road Safety, Bar-Ilan University, 28 July – virtual

6th Symposium on Highway Geometric Design,  Amsterdam, 29 June

– EU-Safety 2022, KFV/EuroSafe, 23-24 June

PIN Conference 2022, ETSC, 15 June – virtual

ICTH2022, TPHL, Cardiff, 13-30 June

ETC2022, EPTS, Gyor, 9-10 June

54th CIECA Congress, CIECA, 8-9 June

Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, NTUA, Athens, 8-10 June

– hEART2022, Leuven, 1-3 June

– 14th ITS European Congress, ERTICO, Toulouse, 30 May – 1 June

LEVITATE Final Conference, Levitate, Brussels, 25 May

ITF 2022 Summit, ITF, Leipzg, 18-20 May

International ESRA Conference, ESRA, 21 April – virtual

17 International Conference RSLC, RTSA, Vrnjacka Banja, 13-16 April

– Intertraffic Exhibition 2022, Amsterdam, 29 March-1 April

– H2020RTR21, 2Zero, ERTRAC, CCAM, EC, Brussels, 29-30 March

Telematics and Improvement of Driver Behavior, NTUA, Athens, 22 February

Connected Vehicle Conference, Boussias, 22 February – virtual

– Polis Annual Conference, POLIS, Gothenburg, 1-2 December

ISSAP2021, AAP, 29 November – virtual

7th GIFTS Symposium, IATSS, 18 November – virtual

ICSC2021, Lund University, 10-12 November – virtual

– 18th World Meeting & Exhibition, IRF, Dubai, 7-10 November

– 33rd ICTCT Conference, 28-29 October – virtual

– 7th International HUMANIST Conference, HUMANIST, Rhodes, 26-27 October

IRF Annual Conference 2021, IRF, 20-21 October

– Policy interventions Webinar, Levitate, 18 October

7th DDI Conference IFSSTAR, 18-20 October – virtual

– Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference, UN, Beijing, 14-16 October

– 2nd International Conference, Vip4Ride, Alexandroupolis, 14-18 October

FERSI Online Symposium, FERSI, 14 October – virtual

– Pre-Hackathon Workshop, SHOW, 12 October – Hamburg

27th ITS World Congress, ERTICO, Hamburg, 11-15 October

– iRAP Innovation Workshop, iRAP, 7 &14 October – virtual

– 19th European Trasnport Conference, EPTS, Maribor, 7-8 October

– 19th Corporate Responsibility Conference, AmCham, Athens, 30 September

– 2nd Pan-European Workshop, SHOW, 30 September, Brussels & virtual

ITSC 2021, IEEE/ITSS, Indianalopis, 19-22 September

ETC 2021, AET, online, 13-15 September – virtual

– EWGT 2021, University of Aveiro, 8-10 September – virtual

IRCOBI Conference 2020, 6-10 September – virtual

– 25th Living and Walking in Cities Conference, UNIBS, 9-10 September – virtual

ICTR2021, HITE/HIT, Rhodes, 2-3 September

– 2021 Joint Virtual Conference, CARSP/PRI, 22-25 August – virtual

– Road Safety in Greek Islands Conference, Bar-Ilan University, 8 July – virtual

– 53rd Annual UTSG Conference, UTSG, 5-6 July – virtual

– PACTS Conference, PACTS, 29 June – virtual

– LEARN! Manual, ETSC, 23 June – virtual

– MT-ITS 2021, TUM, 16-17 June – virtual

PIN Conference 2021, ETSC, 16 June – virtual

– International Conference on Transport & Health, TPH, 14-30 June – virtual

IPIC 2021, ICCS/ALICE, 14-16 June – virtual

– Motorcyclists Safety Workshop, ITF, 9-23 May – virtual

– Urbanism Next Europe, Urbanism Next/POLIS/NUMO/TNO, 9-11 June – virtual

– Road safety assessment of automated vehicles, LEVITATE, 27 May – virtual

53rd CIECA Congress, CIECA, 26-29 May – virtual

– Innovation in Road Safety Research, NTUA, 20 May – virtual

– e-MOPOLI final conference, Province of Brescia, 19 May – virtual

– 2021 ITF Summit, ITF, 17-28 May – virtual

– Sixth UN Global Road Safety Week, UN Road Safety Collaboration, 17-23 May

– EUCAD 2021, European Commission, 20-22 April – virtual

– EU Road Safety Results Conference, European Commission, 20 April – virtual

– PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge, Pioneer Alliance, 15 April – virtual

– TOPOS Observatory and Forum Webinar, BeOpen, 26 March – virtual

– 9th International Expert Symposium on Accident Research, MHH, 23-24 March – virtual

ENDORSE Conference, EU Publications Office/ISA², 16-19 March – virtual

– Road Safety Management, IRF, 16 March – virtual

– Drive2theFuture Workshop, Drive2theFuture, 12 March – virtual

– Sustainable Mobility: Policymaking for Data Sharing, IRF, 9 March – virtual

– COVID-19 Response and Recovery, IRF, 4 March, virtual

6th Joining the Dots, RSGB, 2-3 March – virtual

Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable, IRF, 10-12 February – virtual

 – 9th Symposium of the hEART, Lyon, 3-4 February – virtual

– 1st Ideathon, SHOW, 15 January – virtual

– 1st Concertation Workshop, SHOW, 16 December – virtual

– How to improve the safety of goods vehicles in the EU?, ETSC, 14 December – virtual

Roadside Safety Event, ERF, 15 December- virtual

6th Intelligent Transport Systems and Developments, ITS Hellas, 14-15 December – virtual

Global Meeting of Road Safety Observatories, ARSO/APRSO/OISEVI, 8-9 December – virtual

– Traffic Management vs Road Policing, WHO, 1 December – virtual

Polis Annual Conference, 30 November-3 December – virtual

H2020RTR Conference, ERTRAC, 30 November & 1 December – virtual

– 6th Global Interactive Forum on Traffic & Safety, IATSS, 26 November – virtual

6th GIFTS,  IATSS, 26 November – virtual

– EU Road Safety Exchange National Workshop, ETSC, 24 November – virtual

Road Safety Culture, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, LaHeRS, 20-21 November – virtual

Involving Stakeholders in Road Safety Programmes, ETSC, 19 November – virtual

World Day of Remembrance, FEVR/WHO/UNRSC, 15 November –virtual

Roads to Recovery, IRF, 12 November – virtual

Role of Road Safety Audits in Improving Traffic Safety, IRF, 8-10 November – virtual

Webinar “Single bicycle crashes as a rising problem”, ICSC2020, 5 November

12 Global Road Safety Dialogues, ICoRSI, 20 October-5 November- virtual

Road Safety in Local Community, Srpska/ETSC, Banja Luka, 29-30 October

Network-wide Risk Assessment, EC, 5-22 October

Webinar: Impact assessment of automated vehicles, POLIS, 15 October

Conference “Shaping the Future of New Mobility”, ERF,  14 October– virtual

Executive Seminar, EC, Brussels, 8 October

48th European Transport Conference, AET, Milan, 9-11 September – virtual

European Road Safety Summer School, VSV, Mechelen, 24-28 August

52nd Annual UTSG Conference, Loughborough, 6-8 July – virtual

– MAIREPAV9, Empa ,Zurich, 1 – 3 July

The Road Safety Performance Index Award 2020, ETSC, Brussels, 17 June – virtual

5th CSUM, UTH, Skiathos Island, 17-19 June – virtual

2nd Levitate Webinar, Levitate, 11 June

Multidisciplinary Virtual Conference, HADI, 29-31 May

– 6th Virtual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, EAN, 23-26 May – virtual

– 16th International conference Road Safety in Local Communities, RTSA, 14-17 April – virtual

6th International Conference VEHITS, Prague, 2-4 May virtual

IRF Online Workshop, IRF/ERF/ASECAP, 23 April – virtual

– Webinar: the future impacts of automation in freight transport, Levitate, 23 March

2020 Lifesavers National Conference, Tampa, 15-17 March

1st Drive2theFuture Workshop, Brussels, 6 March

– SDGs and Road Safety System Workshop, UNECE, Sarajevo, 4-5 March

3rd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety, Stockholm, 19–20 February

– Globalising Vision Zero, ICORSI, Stockholm, 18 February

– Innovation workshop 2020, iRAP, Stockholm, 17-18 February

– 3rd Joint Stakeholder Workshop, ARCADE/ERTRAC, Brussels, 13 February

– Mobility 2020 Road Safety Conference, TOI, Oslo, 4-5 February

– 7th International Conference, Kosovo, 23-25 January

5th ITS Hellas Annual Conference, ITS Hellas, 17-18 December

– Vision Zero for Sustainable Road Safety, TTU, Tallinn, 4-5 December

– New Horizons of Transport and Communications, Doboj, 29-30 November

– Euro-barometer for responsible driving, VINCI AUTOROUTES, Athens, 28 November

– Annual POLIS Conference, Brussels, 26-27 November

2nd Stakeholder Workshop, LEVITATE, Brussels, 26 November

RADAR – Road Safety as shared responsibility Workshop, Budapest, 21 November

– 8th International Cycling Safety Conference, CARRS-Q, Brisbane, 18-20 November

Assembly of Members Meeting, ECTRI, Madrid, 18-19 November

– World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 17 November

Road Safety R&I Workshop: from Challenges to Solutions, Brussels, 15 November

– Road Safety in Local Communities, Banja Luca, 24-25 October

32nd ICTCT Conference, Warsaw, 24-25 October

– 9th ICTR, HITE/HIT, Athens 24-25 October

26th ITS World Congress, Singapore, 21-25 October

– 6th Meeting Safer City Streets Network, ITF/OECD, Lisbon, 16-18 October

– International Conference on Road Safety & Simulation, NADS, Iowa, 14-17 October

– 47th European Transport Conference, Dublin, 09-11 October

– Prevention and Road Safety in Europe and GreeceAthens, 10 October

– EU Road Safety Exchange – Launch Event, ETSC , Brussels, 9 October

– 20th International Walk21 Conference, Rotterdam, 7-10 October

– World Road Congress Abu Dhabi, PIARC, 6-10 October

– EU-Safety 2019, EuroSafe, Luxembourg, 3-4 October

REMEDIO Final Conference, Treviso, 01-02 October

– EDWARD-European Day without a Road Death, TISPOL / EC, 26 September

– 2nd international Congress on TIS, AIIT, Rome, 24-25 September

– Prevention of Accidents at Work (WOS), Vienna, 23-26 September

– International Conference on Road Safety for Motorcyclist, ERF, Pereto, 20 September

SaferAfrica Final Conference, Tunis, 18 September

– Connected Cars Conference, Athens, 18 September

24th Living and Walking in Cities Conference, Brescia, 12-13 September

IRCOBI Conference 2019, Florence, 11-13 September

– Transportation Systems of the Future – Mobil.TUM, TUM, Munich, 11-12 September

– 8th Symposium – hEART2019, Budapest, 4-6 September

– Workshop “Transport and Tourism”, HITE/HIT, Rhodes, 4 September

– International Road Safety Conference, UK Dept of Transport, London, 3-4 September

– European Road Safety Summer School, VSV, Mechelen, 26-30 August

22nd International Council on Alcohol, Drugs, Traffic Safety, Edmonton, 18-21 August

– 8th Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, MUARC, Melbourne, 13-14 August

HUMANIST Summer School, Lyon, 9-11 July

– 7th Symposium on Transportation Safety, Tongji University, Shanghai, 09-10 July

5th EAN Conference, Oslo, 29 June – 02 July

13th Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Conference, ETSC, Brussels, 19 June

– 2nd ESRA Symposium, Brussels, 18 June

– REVIVE Conference, ETSC, Brussels, 18 June

– 17th European Transport Conference, EPTS, Bratislava, 13-14 June

RSA Annual Conference, Road Safety Authority, Dublin, 13 June

– 26th Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), NHTSA, Eindhoven, 10-13 June

13th ITS European Congress, ERTICO, Eindhoven, 3-6 June

47th ASECAP Conference, Messinia, Greece, 29-31 May

– 15th World Transport Research Conference, WCTRS, Mumbai, 26-31 May

– Digitalisation and Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 17 May

– The future of transport, CITA, Brussels, 16 May

– VEHITS 2019, Heraklion, Crete, 3-5 May

– Global Meeting of NGO Advocating for Road Safety, Road Victims, Chania, 8-13 April

– 4th SaferAfrica Dialogue Platform Workshop, Brussels, 4 April

– Road Transport Research towards “Horizon Europe”, ERTRAC, Brussels, 4 April

– 28th IRTAD Meeting, ITF, Paris, 2-3 April

– Road Safety Expert Group Meeting, RADAR, Ljubljana, 27 March

Infrastructure Research Meeting (FIRM19), FEHRL, Brussels, 26-28 March

– ICoRSI International Symposium, Changsha, China, 25-26 March

– International Road Safety Conference, ETSC, Bucharest, 20-21 March

Traffic Safety Conference, Riyadh, 11-13 March

– Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington, 13-17 January

4th Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18-19 December

Annual POLIS Conference, Manchester, 22-23 November

– World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 18 November

–  Workshop on Road Accidents, American College of Greece, Athens, 14 November

1st African Road Safety Festival, Marrakesh, 13-15 November

– National Road Safety Policy development, UNECE, Tbilisi, 13-14 November

– Road Safety 2020+ The Future of Safe EU Road Transport, ETSC, 13 November

Global Road Conference, IRF, Las Vegas, 7-9 November

2nd Auto Forum “Change your car!”, Ethos Events, Athens, 7 November

Safety 2018 Injury Prevention, WHO, Bangkok, 5-7 November

31st ICTCT Conference, Porto, 25-26 October

– 7th Conference Road Safety in Local Community, Banja Luca, 25-26 October

– Safer Roads & Mobility, PRI, Abu Dhabi, 24-25 October

– Corridors for Shared Prosperity, ERF, Dubrovnik, 22-24 October

– 6th Conference Driver Distraction and Inattention, SAFER, Gothenburg, 15-17 October

– InDeV, PROSPECT, XCYCLE – Final Event, Applus+ IDIADA, 12 October

– 7th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, HITE, Larissa, 11-12 October

46th European Transport Conference, AET, Dublin, 10-12 October

7th annual International Cycling Safety Conference, SAFER, Barcelona, 10-11 October

– Annual Conference of Employers for Traffic Safety, NETS, Frisko, USA, 10-11 October

– TISPOL Conference “Expanding our Horizons”, Manchester, 9-10 October

– Road Tunnel Operations and Safety, PIARC, Lyon, 3-5 October

25th World Congress on ITS, Copenhagen, 17-21 September

2018 IRCOBI Conference, Athens, 12-14 September

7th Symposium – hEART2018, Athens, 5-7 September

– 7th Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research, VVTI, Blacksburg, 28-30 August

17th Alcohol Interlock Symposium, TIRF, Austin-Texas, 19-21 August

– 10th International Conference on Urban Traffic Safety, Edmonton, 9-12 July

– Annual Road Safety Conference, Bar Ilan University, Tel-Aviv, 05 July

– International Conference on Transport & Health, Michigan, 24-27 June

– SMART Sober Mobility Across Road Transport, RSI, Athens, 21 June

– Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Conference, ETSC, Brussels, 18 June

– Conference on Mobility and Transport, TUM, Munich, 13-14 June

6th Humanist Conference, SWOV, the Hague, 13-14 June

– 17th Panhellenic Transport Chamber Conference, EESYM, Livadia, 2 June

50th CIECA Congress, CIECA, Belfast, 29 May – 1 June

2018 Summit on “Transport Safety and Security”, ITF, Leipzig, 23 – 25 May

18th conference Road Safety on Five Continents, VTI, Jeju Island, S. Korea, 16-18 May

– 7th Annual Scientific Seminar, NTSA, Trondheim, 08-09 May

– Athens Regional Workshop, EuroMed Transport Support Project, Athens, 08-10 May

– 28th ARRB International Conference, Brisbane, 29 April – 02 May

– 1st Panhellenic Conference on Neuropsychology, HNPS, Athens, 27-29 April

– SaferAfrica Dialogue Platform Workshop, SaferAfrica, Athens, 27 April

– Traffic Education, Tunisian Ministry of Education, Tunis, 26-27 April

– International Conference on Road Safety, PIARC, Lisbon, 19-20 April

– 13th Conference Road Safety in Local Communities, Kopaonik, Serbia, 18-21 April

– 8th ESAR Conference, ESAR, Hannover, 19-20 April

– Transport Research Arena, European Commission, Vienna, 16-19 April

12th International Road Safety Conference,  GAMBIT, Gdansk, 12-13 April

– SafetyCube Conference, Vienna, 22-23 March

– ERSCharter Workshop, RSI, Athens, 21 March

International Symposium 2018, ICORSI, Paris, 19 March

Road Safety Workshop, Hersonnisos, 2-3 March

 Road Safety Performance Review, UNECE, Kachreti, 15-16 February

Hellenic Consortium of Operational Research, Piraeus, 15-17 February

Road Safety Performance Review, UNECE, Durres, 6-7 February

– ITS latest developments in Greece, ITS Hellas, Athens, 23-24 January

– Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington, 7-11 January

Workshop on Traffic Society and Road Safety, HADI, Athens, 7-8 January

Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service, ITS Hellas, Patras, 7-8 December

Annual POLIS Conference, Brussels, 6-7 December

18th IRF World Road Meeting, IRF, Delhi, 14-17 November

– The national Road Safety Conference, Road Safety GB, Manchester, 14-15 November

– Innovation workshop 2017, iRAP, Helmond, 08-10 November

World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, ITS, Quebec, 29-02 November

Auto Forum 2017 Fondation Vinci Autoroutes, Athens, 02 November

The impact of Education & Training on Traffic Behaviour, Abu Dhabi, 1-2 November

I_HeERO Workshop & Demonstration, Athens, 24 October

5th Africa Road Safety Event, GRSP, Cape Town, 23-24 October

International Conference on Road Safety & Simulation,  TU Delft, 17-19 October

6th IRTAD International Conference, Marrakech, 10-12 October

– Conference of Employers for Traffic Safety, NETS, Charlottesville, 11-12 October

How to Achieve Transport and Trade Related SDG? Podgorica, 11-12 October

Decision Support System Launch Event, SafetyCube, Brussels, 5 October

– TISPOL Conference 2017, TISPOL, Manchester, 3-4 October

8th ICTR, HITE/HIT, Thessaloniki 28-29 September

Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion, EuroSafe, Amsterdam, 21-22 September

6th annual International Cycling Safety Conference, Davis, USA, 21-22 September

2017 IRCOBI Europe, Antwerp, 13-15 September

International Conference on Transport & Health, Barcelona, 27-29 June

Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Conference, ETSC, Brussels, 20 June

12th ITS European Congress, Strasbourg, 19-22 June

23rd Conference “Living and Walking in Cities”, Brescia, 15-16 June

Driving the intelligent vehicle Symposium, IJDS, Haarlem, 14-15 June

Vision Zero, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise & Innovation, Stockholm, 14-15 June

YEARS Country Seminar, RSI Panos Mylonas/ETSC, Athens, 12 June

49th CIECA Congress, CIECA, Trondheim, 8-9 June

UDRIVE Final Event and 6th International NDRS, SWOV, Hague, 7-9 June

Promoting Road Safety Culture, LaHeRS, Crete, 29 May

International Conference: Road Safety and Children, HADI, Thessaloniki, 19-21 May

The Future of Road Safety Research, NTUA, Athens, 15 May

Vision Zero Cities Conference, Transportation Alternatives, New York, 4-5 May

13th PRI World Congress & Exhibition, PRI, Gammarth, Tunisia, 3-7 May

12th Conference Road Safety in Local Communities, Tara, Serbia, 19-22 April

Safer City Streets Workshop, ITF-Polis, Paris, 20-21 April

FIRM17 Infrastructure Research Meeting, FEHRL, Brussels, 5-7 April

5th Global Meeting of NGO for Road Safety and Road Victims, Kuala Lumpur, 3-6 April

1st European Conference on Connected & Automated Driving, EC, Brussels, 3-4 April

High-Level Conference on Road Safety, EC, Malta, 28-29 March

10th ASECAP Road Safety Conference, ASECAP, Brussels, 21 March

10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, 20-23 March

5th Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, IFSTTAR, Paris, 20-22 March

Road Safety Week 2017, RSI/HITE, 18-24 March

– How data delivers Insight and Innovation, Road Safety GB, Birmingham, 2 March

Road Safety Data Workshop, World Bank / IRTAD, Marrakech, 23-24 February

Transportation Research Board, TRB, Washington, 8-12 January

Society of Traffic and Road Safety: Crossing Glances, Athens, 7-9 January

Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITS Hellas, Athens, 19-20 December

Road Safety Workshop for Anglophone Africa, UNECE, Nairobi, 13-15 December

Safe Roads Safe Kids Summit,  Washington D.C., 8-9 December

Annual POLIS Conference, Rotterdam, 1-2 December

27th ARRB Conference,  Melbourne, 16-18 November

11th International Road Safety Seminar,  GAMBIT, Gdansk, 16-17 November

– 5th International Cycling Safety Conference,  Bologna, 3-4 November

Traffic Enforcement: Challenges & Perspectives, ETSS, Abu Dhabi, 2-3 November

29th ICTCT workshop, Lund, 20-21 October

European Conference on Work-Related Road Safety, ETSC, Brussels, 19 October

– Regulating drink driving to protect all road users, ETSC, Brussels, 18 October

– European Road Infrastructure Congress, ERF/RSMA, Leeds, 18-20 October

Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety, ICADTS, Gramado, Brazil, 16-19 October

– 23rd World Congress on ITS, ITS, Melbourne, 14-16 October

– TISPOL Conference 2016, TISPOL, Manchester, 4-5 October

Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries, ITF, Paris, 3 October

– SafetyCube Road Safety Workshop, Brussels, 27 September

Safety 2016 Injury Prevention, WHO, Tampere, 18-21 September

15th Alcohol Interlock Symposium, TIRF/ETSC, Brussels, 13-15 September

6th Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Brisbane, 2-5 August

– 14th World Transport Research Conference, WCTRS, Shanghai, 10-15 July

Annual Road Safety Conference, Bar Ilan University, 7 July

– Access Management Conference, SAICE/TRB, Pretoria, 6-7 July

Benchmarking Albania towards EU Road Safety Conference, AVIS, Tirana, 6 July

PIN Annual Conference, ETSC, Brussels, 20 June

First ESRA Conference, ESRA, Brussels, 20 June

Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE, Gothenburg, 19-22 June

– 2nd Serbian Road Congress, Via Vita, Belgrade, 9-10 June

– 7th ESAR Conference, ESAR, Hannover, 9-10 June

– 11th ITS European Congress, ERTICO/EU, Glasgow, 6-9 June

Predicting Road Accidents Workshop, PRACT, Manchester, 3 June

– Road Safety for the International Business Traveler, Gothenburg, 30 May

Road Safety on Five Continents, VTI, Rio de Janeiro, 17-19 May

Road Safety Performance Index Conference, PRI, Tunis, 6-7 May

Accidentology & Motorcycle Simulator Workshop, Safe2Wheelers, Würzburg, 27 April

– Driving Instructors & Safe Driving Workshop, Athens, 23 April

– Transport Research Arena, European Commission – Warsaw, 18-21 April

– Road Safety in Local Communities, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, 13-16 April

ETSC Safe & Sober Campaign Workshop, Athens, 21 March

Road Safety & Tourism Workshop in Peloponnese, Vrachati Corinthias, 19 March

– Transportation Research Board, TRB – Washington, 10-14 January

Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference,  ITS Hellas, Athens, 15-16 December

Annual POLIS Conference,  Polis, Brussels, 19-20 November

2nd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety, Brasilia, 18-19 November

24th World ITMA Congress, Doha, 16-18 November

4th International DDI Conference,  ARRB, Sydney, 9-11 November

7th International Congress on Transportation Research, HITE, Athens, 5-6 November

Ministry of Transport – e-Drive Academy Workshop,Athens, 02 November

PIARC – XXVth World Road Congress,  Seoul, 2-6 November

Road Accidents, Injuries and Rehabilitation Conference, TEI, Crete, 22-23 October

9th Internationational Congress on Vascular Dementia, Ljubljiana, 15-18 October

21st IRTAD Meeting, ITF, Ljubljana, 12-13 October

Conference on green accessible intelligent transport , EC, Istanbul, 8-9 October

FENS Featured Regional Meeting, Thessaloniki, 7-10 October

TISPOL Road Safety Conference, TISPOL,  Manchester, 7 October

Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, UCF , Orlando, Florida, 6-8 October

ITS World Congress , Bordeaux, France,  5-9 October

International Cycling Safety Conference, Hannover, 15-16 September

FAST-zero Symposium,  SAFER, Gothenburg, 9-11 September

TRANSED International Conference,  Lisbon, 28-31 July

European Transport Conference, UCL and TPH Link, London, 6-8 July

Cognition, Behaviour and Driving Conference, NTUA and UoA, Athens, 26 June

5th Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, TRB, Vancouver, 22-24 June

1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology,  Berlin,  20-23 June

SafetyCube Road Safety Decision Support System Workshop,  Brussels, 17 June

Road Safety and Tunnel Users,  SiEBEN, Athens, 16 June

International Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles,  SAFER, Gothenburg, 8-11 June

National Conference of the Hellenic Neurological Society,  Alexandroupolis, 6-9 June

National Congress on Psychological Research, Nicosia, Cyprus, 27-31 May

First Danube Region Road Safety Conference,  EUSDR, Ljubljana, 20 – 21 May

Modelling Pedestrian Behaviour Workshop, NTUA, Paris, 4 May

OSCE Road Safety Regional Conference, OSCE, Pristina, Kosovo, 29 April

9th Panhellenic Conference of AD and Related Disorders,  Thessaloniki, 23-26 April

Symposium on Road Safety Behaviour Measurements,  BRSI, Brussels, 23 April

Road Safety in Local Communities Conference, RTSA, Serbia, 22-25 April

American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, AAN, Washington, 18-25 April

FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting, FEHLR, Brussels, 22-23 April

6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, NTUA, Athens, 12-13 March

Road Infrastructure Safety Equipment Technical Conference, ERF, Athens, 12-13 February

4th European Motorcyclists’ Forum, FEMA, Brussels, 2-3 February

TRB 94th Annual Meeting , Washington, 11-15 January

Safe Roads Safe Kids Summit,  Washington, 11-12 December

European Commission Transport Safety Conference , Genoa, 4-5 December

Ageing and Safe Mobility Conference, BAST, Bergisch-Gladbach, 27-28 November

Communication Technologies & Road Safety Symposium,Abu-Dhabi, 26-27 November

ROSEE – Road Safety International Conference,  ALOT, Brescia,  21 November

Make Roads Safe Hellas, Athens, 20 November

International Cycling Safety Conference, SAFER, Gothenburg, 18-19 November

34th Annual Conference,  US NAN, Puerto Rico, 12-15 November

19th IRTAD Meeting, ITF, Cologne, 7-8 November

ERF RoadSide Safety Design Seminar , ERF, IRF and TRB, Brussels, 5 November

Greek Driving Instructors – Road Safety Conference, Crete, 1-2 November

WHO – International conference on Healthy Cities, WHO, Athens 22-25 October

Athens Business Chamber – Driving instructors retraining seminar , Athens, 18 October

Regional Road Safety Workshop,  UNECE, Belgrade, 15-16 October

ETSC Conference on Work-Related Road Safety , ETSC, Brussels, 13 October

American Neurological Association’s Annual Meeting , Baltimore, 12-14 October

NTUA – Road Safety Workshop, NTUA, 2 October

TISPOL Road Safety in Europe Conference, Manchester, 30 September – 1 October

ROSEE – SENSOR Final Conference , Ljubljana,  25 September

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Conference, OMICS, Valencia, 23-25 September

6th Expert Symposium on Accident Research , Medical School of Hanover, 20-21 June

Future Road Infrastructure Challenges Symposium , ERF, Brussels, 18 June

ETSC PIN Annual Conference, ETSC , Brussels, 18 June

Road Infrastructure Safety Management Conference, EC, Brussels, 13 June

35th FISITA World Automotive Congress, FISITA, Maastricht, 2-6 June

Congress of European Neurology, EFNS, Istanbul, 31 May – 3 June

Together we are Road Safety Workshop, European Road Safety Charter, Athens, 28 May

42nd annual ASECAP Study and Information Days, Athens, 26-28 May

Sixth European Road Safety Day , EC, Athens, 9 May

ITS, eCall and Road Safety Conference , Athens, 25th April

ITF Distracted Driving and Sleepiness Seminar, ITF, Paris, 15 April

Transport Research Arena, IFSTTAR, Paris, 14-17 April

ROSEE – Transnational Road Safety Workshop, ROSEE, Budapest, 9 April

GAMBIT – 10th Road Safety Seminar, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 2-3 April

Workshop for 10 Years of Action , EFTHITA Rodes, Rhodes, 27-28 March

17th IRTAD Meeting, ITF, Paris,  24-25 March

ETSC PIN talk, ETSC, Athens, 19 March

RTSA Serbia – Transport safety performance indicators, Belgrade, 6 March

3rd European Motorcyclists’ Forum, FEMA, Brussels, 5-6 March

93rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington,  12-16 January

HITE Education and Road Safety, HITE, Athens, 27 November

Road Safety, Reliable Data, Effective Policies, ETSC, Berlin, 21 November

Reducing road accident victims in urban areas, RACC, Barcelona, 14 November

Better Safety Data Conference, IRTAD, Buenos Aires, 13-14 November

International Conference on Safe Transport Infrastructure, Prague, 11-12 November

Engaging Stakeholders towards Road Safety Conference, ROSEE, Ljubljana, 7 November

Road Safety and Simulation Conference, University of Roma Tre, Rome, 23-25 October

8th International Congress on Vascular Dementia, Athens, 17-20 October

6th International Congress on Transport Research, HITE, Thessaloniki, 17-18 October

Power two Wheeler Scientific Days, IFSTTAR, Lyon-Bron, 15-16 October

Improving Road Safety Conference, TISPOL, Manchester, 1-3 October

World Congress of Neurology, Vienna, 21-26 September

3rd International DDI Conference, SAFER, Gothenburg, 4-6 September

13th World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, 15-18 July

1st Meeting for Road Safety in South East Europe, ROSEE, Athens, 4 July

Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, KFV, Vienna, 19-20 June

Back on track to reach the 2020 target, ETSC, Brussels, 17 June

Living and Walking in Cities Conference, Brescia, 13-14 June

ROSEE Workshop at the Munich Transport Fair , ALOT, Munich, 4-7 June

Central Europe – Save Our Lives Conference, ALOT, Brussels, 27 May

5th European Road Safety Day: Pedestrian Safety, EC, Brussels, 6 May

Road Safety in local communities, Divcibare,  18-20 April

White Roads Conference,  Brussels, 20 March

HITE-IOAS Road Safety Workshop, HITE and IOAS, Athens, 19 March

Road accidents and economic crisis at the HITE Workshop, Athens, 6 February

14th Road Safety seminar in Cyprus , Nicossia, 29 November

European Accidentology Conference, DACoTA, Athens, 22-23 November

25th ICTCT Workshop in Hasselt University, ICTCT, Belgium, 6-9 November

SARTRE 4 Conference, Brussels, 8 November

5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference,  HITE, Volos, Greece, 25-26 October

SAFECYCLE conference, Vienna, 25 October

Workshop on transport in the Municipalities of Attica, Athens, 26 September

DG Move – Civitas Conference on Urban Mobility, EC, Brussels, 17 September

European Road Safety Day , EC, Nicossia, 25 July

ETSC PIN Report – Challenging start of the new decade, Brussels, 20 June

TEE Workshop – Road Safety and Crisis , Athens, 6 June

Sartre 4 Conference , SARTRE 4, Versailles, 30-31 May

TRA – DaCoTA Special Session, DaCoTa, Athens, 25 April

Transport Research Arena,  EC, 23-26 April

Workshop on Road safety and young people , Athens, 6 April

Workshop on road safety in Greece by EFTHITA Rhodes, Rhodes, 22 March

Driven to Distraction Conference, CAA, Toronto, 01 March

3rd Highways Engineering Conference , TEE, Athens, 9-10 February

AVENUE for Traffic Safety, IOAS and ETSC, Athens, 8 November

3rd Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, TRB, Indianapolis, 14-16 September

SATM – Access Management Conference, HITE, Athens, 15-17 June

Crete motorcyclists urged to use helmets, MRSH, Crete, Greece, 24 March

Conference on European Best Practices in Road Safety, FERSI, Athens, 21-22 February

5th Congress on Transport Research in Greece, HITE,  Volos, 27-28 September

Norwegian Embassy / Child safety in cars , Norwegian Embassy, Athens,  24 November

4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference , HITE, Athens, 5-6 November

International Conference Road Safety and Simulation, Paris, 5-7 October

4th IRTAD Conference, OECD, Seoul, Korea, 16-17 September

Improving Road Traffic Safety in South-Eastern Europe, UNECE, Halkida, 25-26 June

4th Congress on Transport Research in Greece , NTUA, Athens, 28 May

Transport Research Arena Conference , Ljubljana, 21-24 April 2008

2nd SafetyNet Conference, ERSO, Rome, April 2008

5th Conference on Protection of children in cars , TRL, Munich, December

14th Conference on Road Safety on 4 Continents , VTI, Thailand, 14-16 November

Road Safety and Simulation, CRISS, Rome, 7-9 November

14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems , Beijing, 13 October

Attiki Odos – Incident Management Seminar, Athens, October

11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, 24-28 June

Global Road Safety Week in Greece, HITE, Athens, 23-29 April

Road Safety in Greece – Trends and Perspectives, HITE, Athens, 24 April

13th ITS World Congress ,  London, 9 October

European Transport Conference , Strasbourg, October

Towards a safer Europe: time for action, WHO, 29 September

Second conference on driver needs in relation to ITS, VTT, Finland, September

3rd International Conference on Transport Research, HITE,  Thessaloniki, 19-20 May

European Accident Data and Road Safety Policy, SAFETYNET, Prague, 11 May

5th PRI World Congress, TRA, Abu Dhabi, March

EXPOSEC homeland and corporate security conference, Athens, 28-29 March

Conference on e-safety , ETSC, Brussels, 22th February

Car insurance and prevention of road accidents, AICG, Athens, 2 February