The 4th European Motorcyclists Forum, organised by the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA), hosted by the European Parliament members Inés Ayalá-Sender (S&D), and Wim van de Camp (EPP), Transport Committee Vice-Chairman Dominique Riquet (ALDE) took place in Brussels, on 2-3 February 2015. This year’s Forum focused on the question “How to tackle motorcycle safety challenges for the next decade?

After a series of presentations and discussions on the 2nd of February the second day was used to obtain views on the outcomes of the EU co-financed project RIDERSCAN– A European Scanning Tour for Motorcycle Safety, including the state of the art of motorcycle safety knowledge, access to powered two wheelers, the traffic and road environment, and how to convey safety messages to riding community, in order to set up a result-based PTW safety strategy. Subsequently, the Debate-Session in the Parliament took place in the morning of Tuesday 3rd of February and further expand on motorcycling safety in the context of the mid-term evaluation of Commission road safety policy orientations 2011-2020.