Julia Roussou is a Civil Engineer, PhD Candidate and Researcher at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Since 2018, she holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA and from Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), majoring in Structural Engineering. Her PhD research is on “Impact assessment of connected and automated transport systems”.

Specialisation areas

  • Road Safety
  • Automated Transport Systems
  • Impact Assessment
  • Statistical Analysis and Modeling
  • Traffic Engineering


  • Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2019 – ongoing, in the Department of Transportation, Planning and Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. Topic: “Impact assessment of connected and automated transport systems” 
  • Diploma of Civil Engineering, 2012-2018,  option of Structural  Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Paris, France.


  • Roussou J.“Renovation of the Grand Palais: Fire Protection and Economic Estimation”, Diploma Thesis, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA, and Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, ENPC, Supervisor: G. Yannis, July 2018.

Research projects

Participation in two (2) research projects in the field of Transportation Planning and Engineering

  • “LEVITATE: Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles” of the Horizons 2020 framework program of the European Commission (2018-ongoing)
  • “Skillful: Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels” of the Horizons 2020 framework program of the European Commission (2018-ongoing)


  • Intern civil engineer at TERRELL SAS multi-disciplinary engineering firm (2016-2017)


  • Greek (native language)
  • English (Proficiency Cambridge)
  • French (Sorbonne C2)


National Technical University of Athens,

School of Civil Engineering,

Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering

5, Iroon Polytechneiou str., GR-15773, Zografou, Athens

Phone: +30 210.7721575

E-mail: jroussou@mail.ntua.gr